Big Idea Mastermind Girl

Friday, February 28, 2014
Hey guys my name is Tiesha Whitlock, I am currently 21 years old and I am involved in a company that is creating financial wealth. I believe there is more to life than going to college, working a 9-5, and having a family. Who said that everyone has to live that kinda life? We were all put here for a reason, I believe there is a mission for each and everyone of us. In this thing called life we are suppose to go all out, find our true purpose, and contribute somehow to society. I don't want to die an un-lived life I plan to live full and die empty. When I die I want to leave a legacy and I want others to remember who I am, I believe that's the definition of a full life. Big Idea Mastermind is the best choice I ever made to begin my journey with this thing called life. Big Idea Mastermind is giving me the opportunity to not only make money from home, but to actually have a life too. I'm here to make a difference and show everyone that we don't have to live typical lives. I am NOT typical and I know I won't live that way. If you're ready to start living .... CLICK HERE!!!
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