The Importance Of A Blog | Empower Twins Explain

Friday, November 21, 2014
You're in the right place if you run your own business or WANT to run your own business.

You know blogging can boost your reputation and help you become well known in your niche! BUT you're not exactly sure how to go about with all the continuous negative thoughts!! 

Negative mind sets that are killing your blog! 

1. No one will read your posts 

2. No one will care! But what I recently learned is that no one will care at first and no one will comment! You gotta build up to that. 

3. You don't know what to blog about. Do you know what you're eating for dinner tomorrow? Didn't think so. That's just an excuse!!!

4. You care too much about what other people will think. Do they pay your bills? You're trying to build a business here, not worry about what other people will say about you. 

Kill all of those negative thoughts and start blogging baby!!! 

Here's a video on some things to keep in mind when blogging. :) 

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Unknown said...

I'm with you on all the above!!

What I think is the tricky part about building a blog is choosing a target audience that you want to speak to.

Do you guide your new team members how to find this for themselves?

Boriquitoboy said...

Love you ladies Blogs. Keep on sharing the Value


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